I took my bike in to Rick's Cycle Shop at 55 Allen in Buffalo NY (ask for a free helmet with a new bike purchase) yesterday and picked it up today. It needed the 30 day tune-up for sure. The handlebars were loose, I couldn't downshift to the lowest gears (1-7), and half the other gears rubbed, skipped or derailed the chain.
Plus I need to shore up my front fender. We had rigged it with a piece of leather and a twist tie but I was a bit uncomfortable that it would cause injury. They are uber fenders from Velo-Orange.
So, it seems all good right now, but I need to replace my pedals (they hooked me up with a pair at Ricks) since the bearing in the platform originals had already been stripped. But Ive no grease so I have to get that tomorrow.
Other than that, we need to rent a van to take us and our 3 bikes to Albany and thats about it. Anyone with a truck drivin to Albany August 17th? Hey, Ill give you a t-shirt or two, c'mon.