Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Favorite Places and Things to do in Buffalo, NY: Fall

As our long, sunny summer concludes I was hoping to compile a list of things people like to do and places Buffalonians enjoy visiting during our Fall season here on the shores of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Maybe a top ten of sorts. People often think we have two seasons in Buffalo: winter and winter. But for me autumn in Buffalo is one of the best of the 4, not just because the fall foliage turns a spectrum of colors or because every other Sunday you can tailgate at one of the best parks in the NFL either. It could be a simple thing like a hike through Chestnut Ridge Park to light the 'eternal' flame, or enjoying a Sabres game at JJ's (Casa Di Pizza on Elmwood Ave), or running the annual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot. There's much to do in Buffalo during the summer months and I bet if we put our heads together, just as much to do and enjoy in the fall.
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Phil Miller said...

The great pumpkin farm in Clarence
a day trip to letchworth to over look the gorge
trick or treating while kickin' leaves

Anonymous said...

(via Twitter)
Fly fishing (catch & release) for migratory steelhead trout on Lake Erie and Lake Ontario tributaries.

Anonymous said...

Bike Ride through Forest Lawn Cemetary.
Oinkfest BBQ Smoke Competition.
Curtain Up