Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Buffalo T-shirt Fixins'

WaitingImage by bark via FlickrMaking a bit of a switch here and taking care of the shirt purchasing myself. Not a big deal really, it just gives me some more control over the first round of shirts. Im really excited about the printing. As a print designer, the ink on paper process is always a bit like Christmas.
"Will I get what I want?"
"WTF is this?"
BTW, I remember when I first debated his jolly existence. 1980. 6th grade. St. Mary's on the Lake 1st floor. Debating the existence of Santa. I was convinced, damnit. No way did my mom cough up the bucks for toys and gifts for 5 kids. Im sorry but you dont know what youre talking about.
But I Regress.
I wish I could screen print these myself. That was the original plan back in April!

Zemanta Pixie

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